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There are a number of buttons that can be used to initiate or abort scanning.

Preview button

This button does a quick preview scan of the area described by "Crop|Preview area" and displays it in the Preview tab.

A preview scan is typically done at a lower resolution and is therefore faster. From the preview scan you can choose appropriate cropping, filtering and color balance options that will be applied to the final scan.

If you want to preview more than one frame at a time, use the "Input|Batch scan" option. Several previews can be in memory at the same time, and you can change which preview you are viewing by changing the number in "Input|Frame number".

If you're scanning from disk, and specify the starting file in numbered series (e.g. scan0001.tif) you can use the Frame number to select a file. For example, if "Input|Scan from file" is set to "scan0001.tif" and "Input|Frame number" is 12, VueScan will look for the file "scan0012.tif" when Preview is pressed.

Other options for specifying numbering schemes for VueScan files are documented on the "Output" tab help topics.

Scan button

This button does a scan, displays the image in the Scan tab and optionally saved to the file types enabled in the "Output" tab.

If a preview scan is not available, VueScan will first do a preview in order to calculate exposure and crop area. If "Input|Lock exposure" is set and "Crop|Auto position" is not set, no preview will be done.

If you want to scan more than one frame at a time, use the "Input|Batch scan" option.

If you're scanning from disk, and specify the starting file in numbered series (e.g. scan0001.tif) you can use the Frame number to select a file. For example, if "Input|Scan from file" is set to "scan0001.tif" and "Input|Frame number" is 12, VueScan will look for the file "scan0012.tif" when Preview is pressed.

Other options for specifying numbering schemes for VueScan files are documented on the "Output" tab help topics.

Save button

This button causes the most recent preview or scan to be saved as TIFF, JPEG, Index and/or Raw files, as specified on the "Output" tab. If you have just done a preview, the preview will be saved; if you have just done a scan the scan will saved. The only difference will be the resolution of the output file(s) as specified in "Input|Preview resolution" and "Input|Scan resolution" -- Crop, Filter, and Color settings will be applied to both previews and scans.

Typically, you'll want to save only the result of the scan. By setting "Input|Auto save" to "Scan", files will be saved automatically when you press the Scan button.

If you have done a final scan and find you wish to make adjustments to crop, filter or color settings, you need not re-scan. Simply make the adjustments -- VueScan will refresh the scan in memory and the "Save" button will cause a new file(s) to be saved.

Abort button

This button aborts a long-running operation, such as scanning, cropping, or calibrating.

To stop a batch after the current frame is complete, instead set "Input|Batch scan" to "Off".

Zoom In button

This button zooms into the image in the Preview tab, or if the Scan tab is displayed it zooms into the image in the Scan tab. The zoom is a factor of two.

Zoom Out button

This button zooms out of the image in the Preview tab, or if the Scan tab is displayed it zooms out of the image in the Scan tab. The zoom is a factor of two.

Rotate L

Rotates the image left (counter-clockwise).

Rotate R

Rotates the image right (clockwise).